Friday, December 19, 2008


Twilight nowadays is a hot talk among readers and movie addicts. Everyone says that they love twilight wether t'was the book or the film, particularly Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. Regarding that matter, I mean Edward Cullen, I was in love or must I say addicted to him. That was last year, since the twilight posters and books have been available but not the motion picture. I first learned about Edward in my co-members of a certain girl magazine website. They were all like infatuated with Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. Looking at their avatars and signatures which all shows the different faces of Edward [not as Rob pattinson or Cedric], I also fell in love with him and started daydreaming about that cold-skinned vampire hugging my warm body. [charr] By that time, Twilight is not yet popular so I can have Edward as much as I can. [harhar] But then that selfish dream of mine started to vanish last October [ i think]. That's when the movie started to advertise itself [hahaizz]. And in like a blink of an eye, Twilight's already popular, like a new flavor of candy on your favorite candy store. My [love] for him slowly vanished, so much for a selfish Edward fan. Alot of girls are already fantasizing Edward Cullen. I'm not really interested in going with the bandwagon so I moved on though I still love Twilight as the whole saga [not Edward]

Monday, December 8, 2008


..i really don't know what to do..wether to create a new story or not to. i still got three stories to finish. [hahaizz].i'm already tired of writing, since i write them by hand. well, in speaking of my new story, this got a bit of twist unlike to the past stories i wrote. since they were all set during school life and they are like normal people in a normal world, they seem to be a normal love story except that i put some twists in it. inspired by Twilight [book and film], edward cullen, Forks, Death Note [live-action movie], Cam Gigandet [James of Twilight], Ayakashi, and some of my heart-burning ideas, i created a story in my mind in just a period of subject [Aral.Pan., i think]. If I create a story, will I put it on my traditional handy-dandy notebooks?? or shall i go techie and have it online??? [hahaizz]

Sunday, December 7, 2008


My computer's time says it's already 10:24 PM. Yet,i'm here in front of the monitor and typing, my keyboard's making disturbing noises[hahaizz].I just ate my dinner and now I'm drinking a tall glass of Coke with ice cubes [so much for the cold temperature!]:] . Currently, i'm just visiting my friendster and waiting for the video to load. I'm watching Hana Yori Dango Final at Having a recap of what I've done today, I can say that I got a tiring Sunday today unlike my normal Sunday which all I can do is relax and hang-out with my friends. Morning, I woke up early, went to the meatshoppe and bought meat for our lunch. Then Joana came to our house so that we can go together to April's at 1:00 PM. Today's also the fight of Filipino's pride Manny Pacquiao versus the mexican Oscar [i think] dela Hoya. So the whole city's kinda at peace. At April's house, we kinda practiced our Math Jingle but unfortunately it was like a flop. All we did was sit down and relax without thinking that our presentation will be tomorrow. Sure Ma'am Sano will be scloding us again. We went home at around 8:00 PM already. Tiring! That's all for today I think! Chiao!

Friday, December 5, 2008

i'm through...:]

i fell in love with you
but you said i shouldn't continue...
yet i insisted,
and you let my love grow for you..
i waited days and nights,
waited hopelessly in vain
but then you came to me
and said it just don't feel the same.
by holding on to you,
i slowly broke my heart
and now i repent
'coz i shoudn't have loved you from the start.
Though my heart was filled with guilt
i know that i am glad.
just by unconditional love,
i was contented with the life i had.
days and moths had passed,
things have roughly changed
yet my love for you never perished,
and you just stayed the same.
then one day you came to me,
and confessed your feelings truthfully...
"you said you love me,
and now i love you,too.
all i ever hope,
is for you to say 'i do'."
but just when you thought
our love is true..
you'll realize,i'm through with you. :]