Sunday, December 7, 2008


My computer's time says it's already 10:24 PM. Yet,i'm here in front of the monitor and typing, my keyboard's making disturbing noises[hahaizz].I just ate my dinner and now I'm drinking a tall glass of Coke with ice cubes [so much for the cold temperature!]:] . Currently, i'm just visiting my friendster and waiting for the video to load. I'm watching Hana Yori Dango Final at Having a recap of what I've done today, I can say that I got a tiring Sunday today unlike my normal Sunday which all I can do is relax and hang-out with my friends. Morning, I woke up early, went to the meatshoppe and bought meat for our lunch. Then Joana came to our house so that we can go together to April's at 1:00 PM. Today's also the fight of Filipino's pride Manny Pacquiao versus the mexican Oscar [i think] dela Hoya. So the whole city's kinda at peace. At April's house, we kinda practiced our Math Jingle but unfortunately it was like a flop. All we did was sit down and relax without thinking that our presentation will be tomorrow. Sure Ma'am Sano will be scloding us again. We went home at around 8:00 PM already. Tiring! That's all for today I think! Chiao!

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