Monday, December 8, 2008


..i really don't know what to do..wether to create a new story or not to. i still got three stories to finish. [hahaizz].i'm already tired of writing, since i write them by hand. well, in speaking of my new story, this got a bit of twist unlike to the past stories i wrote. since they were all set during school life and they are like normal people in a normal world, they seem to be a normal love story except that i put some twists in it. inspired by Twilight [book and film], edward cullen, Forks, Death Note [live-action movie], Cam Gigandet [James of Twilight], Ayakashi, and some of my heart-burning ideas, i created a story in my mind in just a period of subject [Aral.Pan., i think]. If I create a story, will I put it on my traditional handy-dandy notebooks?? or shall i go techie and have it online??? [hahaizz]

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