Friday, December 19, 2008


Twilight nowadays is a hot talk among readers and movie addicts. Everyone says that they love twilight wether t'was the book or the film, particularly Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. Regarding that matter, I mean Edward Cullen, I was in love or must I say addicted to him. That was last year, since the twilight posters and books have been available but not the motion picture. I first learned about Edward in my co-members of a certain girl magazine website. They were all like infatuated with Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. Looking at their avatars and signatures which all shows the different faces of Edward [not as Rob pattinson or Cedric], I also fell in love with him and started daydreaming about that cold-skinned vampire hugging my warm body. [charr] By that time, Twilight is not yet popular so I can have Edward as much as I can. [harhar] But then that selfish dream of mine started to vanish last October [ i think]. That's when the movie started to advertise itself [hahaizz]. And in like a blink of an eye, Twilight's already popular, like a new flavor of candy on your favorite candy store. My [love] for him slowly vanished, so much for a selfish Edward fan. Alot of girls are already fantasizing Edward Cullen. I'm not really interested in going with the bandwagon so I moved on though I still love Twilight as the whole saga [not Edward]

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